You Gotta Have Game
Music composition, sound design, and featured guest performance for poetry album by Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon
Graphic score for solo performer and feedback loops
Composition for mixed chamber ensemble and electronics
Sound design for video collaboration with Jim Haverkamp for Homegrown Stories
Telematic free music album with Scott L. Miller and Sam Wells
Web app performance work presented by Aeroidio and BEEP
Interactive multimedia duo with Sam Wells
Electronics for album by composer Gene Coleman
composition for two drum sets and live electronic sound
Music composition, sound design, and featured guest performance for poetry album by Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon
Performing arts and educational organization for technology in music
The Boyer College Electroacoustic Ensemble Project
Electronic music for Homegrown Stories video series “Ten/Tin”
Electronic music for dance and real-time processed video
Mobile video and sound experience
Generative electronic music and multi-media installation
Electronic music for Homegrown Stories video series “Leftovers 2022”
Music for shakuhachi and neuro-controlled electronic sound
Infinite video installation with generative music
Generative music and video installation in Como, Italy
Monthly online concert series hosted by Andrea Clearfield